MTR #1 - The Story and Success of MTR - Mavalli Tiffin Rooms

The Indian food industry growth is increasing every year. An opportunity for immense potential for value addition, particularly within the food processing industry, the food sector has emerged as a high-growth and high-profit sector. And MTR is one of the biggest brand in food related enterprise. Introduction The Mavalli Tiffin Rooms (commonly known as MTR) is the brand name of a food - related enterprise located in India. The company has its headquaters in Bangalore, it has a restaurant located on the Lal Bagh Road in Bangalore and 6 other branches in the city, as well as one each in Singapore, Dubai and Muscat. It is founded as a restaurant by Yajnanarayana Maiya and his brothers in 1924. The company also manufactures the range of packaged foods including breakfast mixes, ready to eat meals, masalas and spices, snacks and beverages. History The Starting Phase When it was founded in 1924 by two brothers Yajnanarayana Maiya and Ganappaya Maiya who came ...